Hey! It's happening. Really happening. Right now. And YOU are the first to know. My cookbook is in queue for printing and will eventually make its way, literally by slow-boat from China, into my hands. And yours. Eventually...
It is so beautifully designed and includes new food photography as well as snapshots and pro photos from my previous days (and late nights) inside Southern Ground Nashville. The stories and anecdotes polished up "right nice" and fit perfectly with each recipe. I could wax on, but the gist is that I'm super proud that this is FINALLY making its way into the world. I cannot wait to hold it and squeeze it and call it George and share its contents with all of you.
Thursday was a full-moon as well as a nearly-full eclipse. I spent most of the day stoking a cozy fire in my own hearth as well as setting intentions, saying prayers, working magic, and igniting the kindling for a book launch and brand growth.
I'm in the midst of designing a crowdfunding campaign to help cover the costs of recipe development, consultation, design, photography, printing, and freight. It'll run the gamut to include a range of things from donations only and copy/copies of the book to catered dinners in your home. If there's something specific you have interest in, let's discuss ways to make it happen together!
I'm still available for catering studio meals, family dinners, and office lunches and I look forward to feeding you all soon, whether it be by your hands preparing my recipes or with my own cooking.
Be Sweet!
Rebecca Wood, Studio Mama
Yay! Happy for you! Can’t wait to buy it!
So happy for you – proud of you – impressed by you and inspired by your life-long ability to make your dreams come true. You know I can’t cook for squat but I’m ready for this book! Much love